.. _getting_started: *************** Getting started *************** Introduction ============ If you are new to Tweepy, this is the place to begin. The goal of this tutorial is to get you set-up and rolling with Tweepy. We won't go into too much detail here, just some important basics. Hello Tweepy ============ .. code-block :: python import tweepy auth = tweepy.OAuth1UserHandler( consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret ) api = tweepy.API(auth) public_tweets = api.home_timeline() for tweet in public_tweets: print(tweet.text) This example will download your home timeline tweets and print each one of their texts to the console. Twitter requires all requests to use OAuth for authentication. The :ref:`authentication` documentation goes into more details about authentication. API === The API class provides access to the entire twitter RESTful API methods. Each method can accept various parameters and return responses. For more information about these methods please refer to :ref:`API Reference `. Models ====== When we invoke an API method most of the time returned back to us will be a Tweepy model class instance. This will contain the data returned from Twitter which we can then use inside our application. For example the following code returns to us a User model:: # Get the User object for twitter... user = api.get_user(screen_name='twitter') Models contain the data and some helper methods which we can then use:: print(user.screen_name) print(user.followers_count) for friend in user.friends(): print(friend.screen_name) For more information about models please see ModelsReference.